by Sherean | Aug 14, 2007 | Uncategorized
The “truthiness” is out! The two comedians are apparently being dragged into the copyright fight between their employer and Google. Entertainment conglomerate Viacom, the company behind Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show and The Colbert Report filed a $1... by Sherean | Aug 8, 2007 | Uncategorized
Because of the controversy surrounding him, Barry Bonds isn’t likely to get any major endorsement deals but that doesn’t mean advertisers don’t want a piece of him. Rumor has it that prices on signs in the outfield were marked up in anticipation of... by Sherean | Aug 4, 2007 | Make Life Easier
Sometimes, it’s frustrating to get nothing but Voice Mail Jails when calling a company. Worth bookmarking, this tool gives you the numbers and prompts to get to a real person. Hope this makes your life easier!Talk to a Real Person Cheat Sheet by Sherean | Aug 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
If you’ve ever considered using a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone and making all your calls over the Internet, this article is a must-read. The author covers all the major services (such as Skype and Vonage) and explains the pros and cons of each. If... by Sherean | Aug 1, 2007 | Social Media
Earlier, we reported on efforts to save the popular magazine Business 2.0 from being shut down by its corporate overlords (Time, Inc.). A Facebook group was created which now has over 2,000 members including Business 2.0’s publisher, Josh Quittner. I joined the...