I’m speaking at the Atlanta Business League’s annual “Super Tuesday” event 9/25. I’ve promised to post a list of the web sites I referenced during my talk. The topic is technology to grow and manage your business. I’ve broken the links into tools we use on the marketing side and tools we use on the operations side. Hope you all find this helpful. Regular readers of our blog will recognize some of these as we’ve blogged on their usefulness before!

Marketing Tools

•E-mail management and marketing:
•Polls/customer surveys:
•Cheap photos for marketing pieces (coupla’ bucks a piece):
•Full-color printing:
–www.PrintingForLess.com (ask for the Red Team)
•Quick, cheap printing (quality not great):
•Fun, quirky printing:
•Shirts, tote bags with your logo (small quantity):
•Edible greeting cards:
•Custom cookies:
•Chocolate business cards:
•Last-minute gift ideas:
•Business networking:
•Social networking (find relevant groups):
–http://www.meetup.com/cities/us/ga/atlanta/ (MeetUp Atlanta)

Operational Tools

•Simple project management tool:
•Quicker surfing:
–Google Toolbar
•Easier bookmarking:
–Google Bookmarks
•Directory assistance on the run (free):
–Google SMS (text message
•Create PDF files (free):
•Conference calls (almost free):
•Legal advice and forms:
•Productivity advice:
•Restaurant reservations (quick):
•Discount furniture, supplies, office space:
•Web-based accounting:
–www.QBOE.com (QuickBooks Online Edition)
•Plan your route:
•Web site traffic reports and analysis (free):
–Google Analytics
•Free website (domain name, hosting, branded e-mail, design tools):
–http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/officelive/default.aspx (Microsoft Office Live)