Fun on a Friday – the Black Friday Edition
Let the shopping begin! According to Gallup, Americans are planning to spend more on Christmas gifts this year than last (and much more than they planned to spend in 2008-2009). I don't care how much I'm spending, I like to get a deal. Great deals abound...
What is the Most Visited Site on the Web?
If you answered "Google," you are . . . wrong. It's Facebook and has been for a while now. Facebook is becoming the digital on ramp: Not only is it a place to see what your friends and colleagues are doing, it's often the entry point to interact with your favorite...
Social Media: Fad or Fact of Life?
More and more, it looks like social media is here to stay. In fact, more than 50% of all adults use some form of social networking DAILY (and 65% of all Internet users). Twitter's usage alone grew from 8% of Internet users to 13% from November 2010 to May 2011. It's...
Fun on a Friday
What We’ve Been Up To
Once in a great while, I send out an update. And by "once in a great while," I mean something like "once a year." A long time ago, I published an e-newsletter. Now I post tips here on the blog. (You can subscribe to it like a newsletter over on the right.) It’s been...
iPhone Crushes It
Even though I love my Droid, we create apps for iPhones before we create them for Android because there's more money to be made in the Apple market than the Android market. Similarly, the iPhone is crushing all competitors in what matters most: profits. And forget...
Buy Your Own Ads on Google
It's easy to buy your own ads on Google and they've just made it easier with a product called AdWords Express. For those of you unfamiliar with how AdWords works, in its simplest form, you create a text ad that shows up in Google search results. It's those sponsored...
Infographic of the Day- The E-Commerce Edition
E-commerce sales are growing by about 19% per year globally (10% per in the States). Amazon is the top e-retailer, followed by Staples (who knew?), then Apple. That, and a whole bunch more in the infographic below:
Fun on a Friday with Google Maps
You know how sometimes Google Maps takes you 'round in circles? Well, this trip will take you on a kayak across the Pacific. Try searching Seattle, WA to Tokyo, Japan, and you just might need to pack a wet suit. Also, this route has tolls.
Fun on a Friday – Twins Talk
What could be more fun than a couple of babbling babies? This has been all over TV and the web but just in case you missed it:
Fun on a Friday – More Angry Birds
For my Angry Birds peeps . . . HOW FREAKIN' DEAD ON ACCURATE IS THIS??? Genius!
Charlie Sheen Should Have Been Fired a Long Time Ago
He's been accused of felony assault for attacking his wife in December, 2009. His previous wife requested a restraining order after he threatened to kill her. He hires prostitutes (or "paid escorts") and flaunts his drug and alcohol abuse. Can you imagine if Charlie...