Scrabble’s Digital Dirt Road

I love Scrabble. My husband loves Scrabble. We own five or six Scrabble games: one deluxe edition, the Cubs edition, a travel version, a plain old regular version, etc. A few years ago, people were playing a Scrabble-ish  game, “Scrabulous,” like mad on...

Do You Yelp?

One of the most misunderstood social networking sites is Yelp! Is it a social network, a location-based check-in game, or a review site? Well, the answer is “Yes” to all three. Yelp! Is designed to give users the experience of a social network geared at connecting...

Facebook By the Numbers

Social media isn’t for every business. But as more and more people log on to Facebook, tweet out every little thing, and broadcast their location with Foursquare, social media is increasingly becoming an important part of the marketing mix for businesses, large...

What’s Facebook Worth Anyway?

It’s an interesting question and certainly varies depending on your perspective. Goldman Sachs thinks Facebook is worth $50 billion. Financial blogger Barry Ritholtz has doubts about Facebook’s ability to monetize its user base: If and when Facebook goes...