by Sherean | Sep 24, 2010 | Branding, Fun on a Friday
IKEA has one of the world’s strongest visual brands. Look how brilliantly they are extending that brand that into their very own cookbook. The recipe photos are deconstructed abstracts images of the recipe’s ingredients. Beautiful. (And come to think of... by Sherean | Aug 6, 2010 | Fun on a Friday, Marketing and Advertising
Is that like an IED? Not exactly. IMP, that’s an Internet Marketing Professional. While we may be able to extract significant “damage” to a client’s competitor base, no road-side bombs are employed. It was a sort of an epiphany that some... by Sherean | Aug 28, 2009 | Fun on a Friday, Twitter, Video YouTube
“I don’t even talk to anybody with less than 900,000 followers,” opines Ryan Seacrest in this satiric little bit with Ben Stiller on how to get Twitter followers. For those of you who came to the Tweetorial yesterday, I thought this might provide... by Sherean | Jun 19, 2009 | Fun on a Friday
This will be my husband’s first Father’s Day and I can’t think of a better way to honor him than with one of these cakes. Actually, I can think of a lot better ways, but these are at least funny! As always, Jen at CakeWrecks has the funny... by Sherean | May 7, 2009 | Fun on a Friday
So this is my first year as a mother and I’m sure my husband has something great cooked up for me for Mother’s Day (hint, hint, Honey). Let’s hope it’s not one of these cakes (spotted, as always on the brilliant Cake Wrecks site): Have a... by Sherean | Feb 19, 2009 | Fun on a Friday
“We’re going to make America skinny, one slap at a time.” Thanks to Steve for turning me on to the Slap Chop. Guess I haven’t been watching enough t.v. cuz I hadn’t seen it. Thanks to YouTube, my life is now complete. Enjoy and have a...