by Sherean | Feb 22, 2011 | Social Media
I love Scrabble. My husband loves Scrabble. We own five or six Scrabble games: one deluxe edition, the Cubs edition, a travel version, a plain old regular version, etc. A few years ago, people were playing a Scrabble-ish  game, “Scrabulous,” like mad on... by Sherean | Feb 18, 2011 | Fun on a Friday
Check out this one minute infographic video from some Vancouver Film School students. Everything you ever wanted to know about kissing! I should have posted this last Friday – in advance of Valentine’s Day – but it’s still Valentine’s... by Sherean | Feb 16, 2011 | Social Media
Good grief. Who is in charge of their PR over there? Never mind that their reputation went from 60 to 0 in nothing flat because of their vehicles’ sudden acceleration problem. Now someone at Toyota has decided that the best way to combat the negative PR is to... by Sherean | Feb 14, 2011 | SEO
Can you trust those search engine results? When you type in “best restaurants” and your city name, are you really getting the best ones? After all, marketers (including us) work hard to get their clients’ businesses listed higher in the search... by Sherean | Jan 28, 2011 | Fun on a Friday
Mashable is up with some funny little cartoons on how history would be different if we’d had texting way back when. A sampling: