by Sherean | Jun 20, 2008 | Fun on a Friday
Check out Wordle, a new tool that generates beautiful word clouds (similar to “tag clouds”) from any text that you submit. The image to the left is a Wordle created from a poem I uploaded that I wrote when I was 11 years old. The shapes and colors Wordle... by Sherean | Jun 19, 2008 | Social Media
If you’re an Amazon shopper, then you’ve probably been hit by a home page promotion for their reading device, the Kindle. It’s a bit pricey — around $400 — but full of promise. I love the idea of downloading any book I want on demand, but... by Sherean | Jun 16, 2008 | Fun on a Friday
Here in Atlanta, no matter what soft drink you order, the generic term is “coke,” as in, “Wanna coke?”. When I lived up north, it was “soda,” or “pop” (or “soda pop” in some places). This map plots the...